‘Hi Vasanth, Welcome to the Performance appraisal meeting’, the manager greeted his next team member. ‘Hi Vas’, the lead gave a crocodile smile (u got any idea what a crocodile smile ??? just refer to my friend Prashanth’s JR blog in my favourite links) ‘Hi Narendar (Manager), Hi Chander (Lead)’ Vas. accepted and returned the same.
‘Ok, here we go’, the manager on his sarcastic voice. ‘Lets discuss on the projects and responsibilities that you have taken for the whole last year’, the usual dialogue he sez in all the appraisals to all the members. Vas(anth) was quiet worried this time coz he went under severe tough year as he had few health related problems, got married and inspite of that he managed to deliver what he could. He had good review last time and won accolades. However, the management haven’t offered much monetary benefits as the company haven’t collected big revenue previous year. This year was ok in terms of overall revenue and no wonder Vas is expecting a good returns.
The talk went on for 30 mins or so where Vas explained almost everything he did for the whole year and then concluded like this. ‘Naren, I feel that I was not best of my potential due to personal problems however I don’t think it was a bad year looking at the work , facts and figures. So, I hope this year I would get back to my best’
‘That’s good’, Naren again with his sarcastic voice. ‘Chander, your comments on Vas?’ he ordered. Immediate reaction from Chander like a dog wags his tail when the owner throws a biscuit. (I think the above sentence is appropriate as Vas hates Chander for some reason due to work and other personal issues. Apparently, the author (me) scripting the story with Vas. As the hero. ; ) so its ok to project Chander as baddie) ‘Naren, ya Vas did a great job but as he said he was not at his best and for me he haven’t met my expectations’, even chander was sarcastic this time. Vas was a bit shocked as he never expected such a chilli coated sentence straight away which almost sounded like a paradox (means first part of the sentence contradicts with second part). ‘A*****e’ Vas murmered deep inside. ‘Why the hell he is talking like this ?’ thousand questions inside Vas.
‘I am sorry’ , Vas interrupted. ‘The figures are correct, the customers are happy, most of the projects went fine except few hiccups’ Vas told in a disturbed tone. ‘I know but these projects haven’t been on time’, he displayed a paper printed with those worst moments he had with the work. ‘But these are only 10% of the work I did during the whole year’ , Vas mind voice speaking to himself. However, he kept silent as he thought arguing with superiors are like mud wrestling with pig (means at the end u will be dirty and the pig would have enjoyed the fight)
‘So I think Vas haven’t met expectations’, Chander continued. ‘Why the hell should I bother about his expectations.. I did my work fair enough’ again Vass’ mind voice. ‘In that case I can give him a rating of 5/10 as he also managed to deliver few. Vas was angry ‘Why Why Why should I get only 5 for the 10% of the work I did messed up’ All the time he was quiet in front of the others to know their final call. ‘Yes, Naren I guess 5/10 is apt’ , Chander agreed with Naren.
Few more formality talks but the end result was clear to Vas. Not a pleasant talk for him. Too many things happening in his mind. Why the F**K this Chander behaves so strange in front of the manager ? Is he being hypocratic to save money to the cost center or is he trying to build a profile for himself at the cost of my dignity ?’ Vas tension increased. ‘I need to think… Think Vas… Think… I cant take this… no way…’

The above scene is not so uncommon. Many Soft Engineer faces this. Inspite of good work they still don’t get the recognition and benefits they deserve. How we react to this ?
Angry man’s approach (Rather F***D up dude’s approach):
Normally stay quiet. Come out and search for other company and put the papers soon as he could as there is no point in staying back to prove his worth whole year which mite again get messed up due to 10% errors which is not sure too.
Wise man’s approach (I can still take more S***T):
Take the feed back in positive manner and work harder forgetting family and friends and social life to erase even that 10%. Try and organize team outings, butter manager/lead, laugh for sick jokes of superiors, spend time often with team in coffee corners even though you hate them… All for a better appraisal.
Ok. Lets forget the above and go to an imaginary reaction that every one loves Vas to react in the end of the same meeting. Lets continue the Scene……
’10 minutes left Mr. Vasanth, Any questions/comment from your side’, Manager once again showing his attitude with the commanding sentence. Vasanth was on the edge of his seat until that time and got himself relaxed. Moved back to occupy the complete chair. Leaned back. Gave a slow rotataion to his shoulder. Raised his chest a bit and lowered again. Stretched his arm so that every one in the room heard his knuckles breaking sound. Once again breaking his neck-knuckles by agitating his head. ‘So’, he sounded like a Vice president of the department. ‘Its all decided by now I guess’, Vasanth commented with a smiling face.
Naren and Chander showed a puzzled face as if they peed in their pants. ‘Hmmm’ Vas didn’t bothere about their reaction. ‘I can see Mr. Chander took some pain in drafting a paper on How to S**T with me’, Vas. Never bothered about his language. ‘Vas, I guess you gotto mind your language’, Chander reacted angrily. ‘I know what I am talking Chander, After all you want to make this whole meet as a formality when you both have decided on what to feed me’, Vas. Was organized when he said this. ‘Feed you ?’, Manager was showing puzzled face again. ‘Ofcourse, the peanuts you gonna feed me just because I messed up a bit and you gonna blow this as if I got your whole business down’
‘No.. No Vas, that was not the intention’, This time Naren was lowering his voice. However, Chandar still pretending to be an angry man as if he was insulted. ‘Your intention my foot. Now listen, I don’t care your intentions here. My opinion is straight forward. You don’t care me and I don’t care you I mean the company’, Vas yelled. ‘Vas, I guess you are crossing your limit’, Chander interrupted as if he is Naren’s boss. ‘Hey my friend, I guess your job is done for this meet up and thank you for your so called observation and analysis. Now, let me talk to the manager while you can keep quiet or leave the room’, Vas. Really enjoying the situation. Chander wasn’t sure on how to react. He was just sitting dumb with confused look.
‘Ok, Naren let me tell you what. You guys are real losers. I might be harsh but you guys deserves this and I don’t care if you escalate this to take action against me’, Vas on top of his voice. ‘Why you say that ? You can take this in a positive way to work better and show your potential’, Naren tried to convince Vas. ‘Positive huh’, Vas smiled again calmly ‘You mean just accept what ever you say with a f***g smile on my face go back and hope that I get my straw berries atleast next year.. My A*S’, Vas angry again. ‘I think you need a coffee, may be we can discuss about your concerns later’, Naren was diplomatic again as if he face 1 million situations like these. ‘Concerns ??? does that have a value here ? Listen Gentlemen do you think am still gonna chase you wasting my time to get what I deserve in a place of professionals with fulla attitude ? you got it all wrong my dear colleagues’ Now Vas. Is enjoying it doesn’t he ?
‘What do you think you are up to ?’, Naren trying to calm things and Chander showing worried face all this time. ‘What else ? Consider this meetin as notice to my resignation. Reason: Non professional attitude by Lead and Manager. I am ready to talk to any one any time on this and further I don’t want to discuss with you guys’. Naren was quiet all these time Bursted out saying ‘Fine. If that is your decision we can not stop you’. ‘I bet you cant. I would prefer changing the field altogether than working under morons like you guys’ Vas exited with a Crocodile smile on his face.
Hope you enjoyed the above hypothetical second part of the post ; ) Now, don’t ask me what made you to write this… Where you one of the victims and bla bla bla….
Hey… Guess why I chose this title for this post ???? nothing la, I was just listening to the Ajith’s latest movie song ‘Hey Saala’ (the one playing in this page) and I thought that will be apt. C ya in next post : ) Now listen to the song again before you click CANCEL.