Monday, November 19, 2007

Agony !!!

Its Friday evening 9 o clk… Am still at my office banging on with the corrections (fixing bugs) for 1 dozen customer issues….

Burning with desperation to enjoy the weekend…
Looking at my past pics every 30 mins…
Laughing at other intelligents who still living around with me…..
Raging at ruthless PM’s and PL’s….
Breathing this totally artificial chilled O2 inside the cubicle….
Totally demotivated…
Completely drowned in agony….

Am dreaming…….What if I am a….

Farmer…. Lord of the lands : )

Have few acres of land in a village like 30 mins drive from nearest city in tamil nadu… employ 20 odd people to work under…grow seasonal vegetations…(like sugar cane, paddy, wheat….etc…) …decent profit to live a comfortable life… have a lovely ‘Ootu veedu’ (house constructed of red tiles..oops I dunno the exact English term)…. With a big gap in the middle of the Hall that allows rain fall/sun rays to fall inside..… wear vetti-sattai-thundu (village costume) all the time….eating the home cooked food every afternoon in the middle of the fields…. Cherishing the heavenly atmosphere of all good hearted human beings around who works with out caring appraisal or hike…. Bathing in the river/well every morning….

Above all….. love-to-live-like-this factor and the immense job satisfaction one will get…..

I don’t know if I wer dreaming like a kid with out imagining the complexities involved in that life but for sure you wont be thinking about

- building a house to save your tax
- buying a plot to invest for future growth
- growth opportunities in other IT companies
- bashing your manager/lead most of the times
- go for a good vacation to take a break from work loaded life
- deadlines nearing and new developments on the Q
- phone number of pizza and burger outlets
- American accent with opposite sex colleagues
- Relationships that involves personal growth (economic/career)
- Laughing for sick jokes of senior colleagues
- Gymming to stay fit in the unhealthy environment
- Onsite …Onsite… Onsite
- Next year’s hike & bonus
- Above all….. dreaming a pleasant life : (
- Etc…etc…etc…..

Tring… Tring…. (Trouble ringing...ayooooo)

‘Hey dude…. This is your lead, have u released the patches yet??? Hope you are aware that we promised our customers that today is the deadline… make sure u release it before you leave for the day…. Also, check out the developments left to finish…. I guess we have tough next 4 months…..ok man… catch you on Monday… have a great weekend’

Here the whole life is tough…. Next 4 months wont be new…. What is so great about weekends….thinking about Developments, customers, blab la bla…….

Can I restart my life?


Lokeshwar Reddy said...

i hope u had good weekend
but wat about corrections??

by the way, i also want to lead the same life in my village
in addition i like to have
- few hens
- few sheep
- few cows
- few bulls
- a tractor
- a pickup truck
and one rifle....

Anonymous said...

You have written it in ur blog.. Others still dreaming.. haha.. same blood everywhere buddy ;)!!

Anonymous said...


Nice discription...!!!
I too often dream of that life in the village.

By the way, did you release those requests. What about that note? Did you release that as well.

What happend to that message..? MPT crossed ah..?

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. tat was a good thought.. But like u said, there is complexity in all walks of life..

Grass on the other side is always green buddy.......... But still there is no harm in dreaming.. Tats the only thing we can do without any barriers.. :)

Srinath said...

Feelings from the other side of the river:
A land-lord is watching his workers sow the seeds for his crops under hot sun and unbearably humid weather. The things running under his mind are:
0. Damn, why does it have to be so hot and humid.
1. what do I do if it rains after I sow, spoiling all the small crops.
2. What do I do with the workers and their pay if they come tomorrow and it rains.
3. What is going to be the trend of the prices this year for sugarcane / wheat / paddy. Am I going to get my investment back and make reasonable profit?
4. What do I do with that huge loan I took from the local lender.
5. What do I do with my son, who is not showing any interest in going to the only village school that is 7 kms from home. Is he going to end up like me ?

I wish I had studied well when my father told me to do so. Atleast, I could have joined some call-centre and worked in AC room, making double the salary of what I make, with a more comfortable life and less tensions.

( I can't tell for sure that the above would be all that they are thinking, but, from whatever conversations I have had with farmers / their relatives, most of the above is definitely their thinking ).

Jayashree said...

Same pinch arvindh ..!!Chk this